
instructional strategies
This is video #4 in my 12-part video series on The Myth of the ADHD Child, based on my book of the same name. This video suggests that ADHD symptoms can be better explained by looking at our educational system than by positing a specific medical disorder. ADHD teacher fact sheets typically list recommendations for...
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Evidence based teaching has dominated the field of education ever since the beginning of the 21st century, when the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) included it as part of its wide-ranging education law that applied to all schools receiving federal funding (e.g. most schools).  The term itself dates back to 1991 when a Canadian...
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Getting students’ attention in the classroom is one of the things that teachers have to do intermittently throughout the school day:  at the start of a class, at the end of an activity where students are working in groups, and at other times besides.  Some teachers are very good at this, commanding student attention through...
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One of the most remarkable findings to come out of the ADHD field in recent years has been the discovery that nature has a remarkably calming effect on kids diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. One study revealed that a simple walk in the park elevated the attention span of kids identified as having ADHD. ...
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 I’ve just released video #12 of my 12-part video series based on my book The Power of the Adolescent Brain: Strategies for Teaching Middle and High School Students.  In this video, I look at ways in which schools can get away from the artificiality of the traditional academic secondary school classroom and provide more...
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