I have a new article just out today published by the website Arts of Thought, that discusses my psycho-spiritual views of the human life cycle. It suggests that we develop through the stages of life along two fundamentally different trajectories, one spiritual and the other physical. The physical journey of life is chronicled in most...Read More
I’ve been writing a lot the past couple of years and I wanted to let you know about two new books that have come out this year! The first one is The Human Odyssey: Navigating the Twelve Stages of Life. This is a new edition of a book published by another publisher in 2008, that...Read More
Check out this photo. That’s you several decades ago. Well, not exactly you, but let’s say there’s a pretty remarkable resemblance. What you’re looking at is a zygote, a fertilized ovum, a one-celled organism. This, however, is not a science essay. It’s more along the lines of a self-introspection. I’d like you to meditate upon...Read More
Orson Welles peaked early in life. He rose to fame with the infamous radio broadcast of a fictionalized invasion from Mars (which many people believed) in 1938 when he was twenty-three years old. This newfound fame won him a movie contract in Hollywood where he was given carte blanche to direct the movie Citizen...Read More
There are two types of people in this world: those who focus most of their energies upon “adapting” to the circumstances around them, trying to get ahead in the world, meeting deadlines and goals, showing up the competition, and making it in the big world. These are the ”adapters.” On the other hand, there are...Read More
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