With the advent of COVID-19, millions of parents are now confronted with the task of teaching their kids at home. I’d like to save you a lot of time and frustration trying to badger your child into finishing his school assignment or an assignment from a homeschooling program you’ve just enrolled in. The fact of...Read More
More kids are suffering from trauma-related sensitivities than you might realize The gold standard research on this matter is the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. They looked at almost 10,000 adults at Kaiser Permanente in San Diego,, California, who were asked questions covering seven aspects of...Read More
Nothing has been more disconcerting to me in my forty-five years as an educator than to ask a parent or teacher: ”What is your child’s (or teen’s) strengths?” and have them answer: ”He hasn’t got any.” I’ve actually heard this several times in my career. It was such responses that motivated me to come up...Read More
The following is a paper on early childhood and play that I presented as part of my keynote at the 19th Encuentro Internacional de Educacion Inicial y Preescolar (International Meeting of Initial & Preschool Education) in Monterrey, Mexico on October 10, 2019. A Comprehensive Vision of Human Development: Cognitive and Socio-Affective Processes...Read More
I’m happy to see that educators are paying more attention these days to the impact that past traumas have had on students and the need for an emphasis on social and emotional learning in the classroom. This comes as welcome relief from the strong emphasis that has been placed in past years on standards and...Read More
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