I’m going to be recording You Tube videos where I discuss different aspects of my new novel, Childless. In this video I just give some of the basics of the plot. In future videos I’ll explore the genetic sub-plot of the story (based on human endogenous retroviruses), the neurodiverse characters that play a major role in the novel (including individuals with Aspergers, progeria, dwarfism, Williams syndrome, and schizophrenia), and other interesting aspects of the book. Here’s the link for today’s video:
If you’re interested in watching the other six videos in this series click on the links below:
- My Novel ”Childless: ”The Use of Human Endogenous Retroviruses as a Key Plot Element .
- Video: Childless and the Use of Neoteny as a Plot Device
- Video #4: My Novel Childless and Its Neurodiverse Characters
- The Disappearance of Childhood: 15 Indicators of Childhood’s Demise in America
- The Journey to Publishing My First Novel at Age 72
- 12 Tips for Writing Your First Novel